Earn More than $1000 per month by Google news site | How to earn money in Lockdown

Have you ever wanted to start a blog but you have reservations 

because you don't want to put your name, your face on the blog that you use to make money online? 

Introduction- How to earn money in Lockdown through blogger without any investment.
Hello friends of the world in this article you get to know.

How to earn more than $1000 per month through blogging.

Read the full article to real earn money.

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Well, in this blog, I'm going to be going over 

how you can blog anonymously and make $100,000 a year. 

I'll even show you one example of somebody who blogs anonymously who makes over 100 million dollars a year. 

And I'll be giving you examples on my computer of other people who do this so you can follow along and hopefully get some inspiration to start your own online business.

 So, let's get into it.Gaurav Singh here.

 Now, I'm going to be going over (once again) blogging anonymously to make $100,000 a year. 

A pretty exciting subject. I've done this just to give you some my credentials. 

Clickbank, I'm a platinum a partner with them. Because I've been a for for the last couple years, because I've made over a million dollars working with this particular affiliate network. 

Which is my recommended one. And also because you know, I don't know, I've I've been doing online work for a while now. 

It's a great space to get started. Great place to work at home. 

Spend time with your family. Do hobbies, work on your own schedule.

 I won't go into it. But you get it and that's probably why you're here. 

So, let's get into some examples of people who are blogging anonymously and creating their own business. 

Now, first, there is this site called babylist.com

So, if you look in this website, It's a blog about baby stuff.

 Now, how many people here are moms. Any moms here? Any moms with like kids under you know, 10 or whatever here?

 Let me know. Put in #mom. You know or mom marketer. 

Write in the comments because I'd love to know who are my moms in this audience. 

So, this is a great site for people that are looking for just the best baby stuff. Look, the best disposable diapers.

 Best bassinets. You know, the best baby and dads kids deals of the week. 

And they just blog about different baby stuff. And let's see how they actually make money with affiliate marketing. 

Best toddler carriers of 2019. And let's just search this in Google. I'll show you how... 

This is how they get traffic is because they blog and their articles show up in Google. 

And what you see right here is the number one result is baby list. 5 best baby carriers. So, that's how people find them.

 People are searching for terms such as best toddler carriers. 

And then they're taken to an article. Okay now, if we scroll down you'll see interesting information. 

There's not necessarily any face of this product, right? This is just a... You know, this is a stock image from Pinterest. 

So, there's no face to the article. There's no particular person that's actually choosing these. 

But let's check this out. Their recommendations, guess what these are? 

Now, who here is brand new to affiliate marketing? If you could just type in brand new to affiliate marketing. 

But I'm going to blow your mind here. For everybody who is not brand new, you know these are all affiliate links right here, Amazon. 

And we can see if we mouse over this link right here, we can actually see.

 If you see tag equals "hello baby 20", you'll see that is actually their affiliate ID right there. 

Now, this company will make anywhere from 5 to 10 percent every time anybody buys this toddler carrier. 

Which gives them about anywhere from around something around $18. 

You know, 10 to 18 dollars that they will be making.

 That baby list will be making if anybody buys this number one recommended toddler carrier. 

Now, how many people in the world do you think are searching for toddler carriers every month?

 7 billion people in the world. There's going to be a number of people that are searching for that keyword.

 And being the number one result on Google with. And the number one pick earning them $18. 

You multiply that and that equals pretty good living. Now, let's move on to our next... 

Our next example which is another site that reviews products anonymously called recording now. 

Now, this site is actually from an affiliate marketer I know. And he's also a YouTuber named OD. So, you can... If anybody here follows OD productions, let me know. Just say OD fan in the comments. Love to see who's who follows that guy. He's a big affiliate marketer. But you can see, if we look under his gear reviews, he's reviewing electronics. Now, one thing you'll notice here is you know, I don't know if it's just that I focused on this or not. But the best products to review are actually the ones that are more expensive. You know, we looked at a toddler carry that cost almost $200. But remember, you get paid a commission based on how expensive the product is. So, we're going to look at beats. And these are not cheap headphones. You know, these headphones cost around $219. But what you'll also notice is that this is a website that has you know, it's an anonymous blog. Nobody is actually the face of this blog. It's simply about providing value to the end consumer to give them useful information about whether or not they should buy a particular product. Remember you're a salesperson. Marketers and salespeople are the same thing. The only difference is sales people actually have to talk to others. Marketers, we just hang out online, everything is automated. But you're still selling product. And your job is to sell the product. Give people information. Give people value. Give people what they're looking for. But also to make sure that the people click on your link and they buy the product that you're promoting. Make sense? So, we scroll down here. And what you'll see is the link. And you'll see a big call-to-action. Order the beats solo three Wireless here for the lowest price available. (Do not pay retail) And you'll see here are his as Amazon links right here for the beats three solo Wireless. Now, OD makes over $100,000 a month with his affiliate marketing websites. Baby list makes, I don't know. I believe it's over 10 million dollars a year with their website. But they're they're in a whole different level. They have a whole operation. They're one of the biggest baby websites. But it's all affiliate. And it's very easy to make this sort of money. You don't need any staff. You don't need to know any programming. You just need to put up a website and join an affiliate program. Hosting advice. Now, this is a website. Again, it's an anonymous blog talking about hosting companies that you can use to set up your website. Now, the number 1 recommended host is this company called Bluehost. And you'll see there's no, you know, they have some experts. But there's no actual person who runs the blog. Then and this article is not buy any particular person. They did get a quote from their expert review. But it's still in an non... This whole thing is an anonymous post. So, what's really great about this is you can make a lot of money just recommending products. Are you getting the idea? So... And actually, I recommend Bluehost. I use Bluehost. And if you are looking to start up a website, I'm going to put a link below in the description of Bluehost. You know, they have... The reason why they're the best is they have the lowest possible monthly starting price. So, $3 a month you can start your blog. Now, I encourage you take action. Now, Jet Set fam. If you've been getting value from this but you haven't set up your website yet, make sure you take action below and just type in "I'm all in" in the comments. And go to the link. Go to the Bluehost link in my description and set up your website. Get started. Because if you don't set up your website you're going to be at a massive disadvantage not going to be able to blog. You need a website to blog. And also your life is going to be a bit much harder getting into affiliate networks. Because affiliate networks, to get accepted, most of them want to see you have a website. So just go to the comments, commit to yourself and type in I'm all-in. Because I want to see you guys become successful. But it starts with taking action. Starts with you. Let's get it. Let's go on to an another example of how to make money online blogging anonymously. And if this is making sense, if you're convinced now that you have no problems blogging anonymously. And that there's tons of money there, great! Because I know I had gotten a question from one of my users that was saying, "How do i blog anonymously?" And I was like, "It's easy. Its more common than not." So, here's another company in the gold investment niche. And you'll see best gold IRA companies 2019. And this is reviewing gold IRA companies. Now, regal assets is number one. This is the best niche to be in. Okay? Financial Services. Because there's the most money in it, okay? Whereas other markets are you know, pretty big. There's a lot of money in weight loss or insurance or what-have-you. Financial services, investments. Trillions of dollars of investments are made every single year. The amounts are unbelievable. And if you want to tap into just generational wealth then you got to go where the wealth is and it's in investment accounts. And the best affiliate program that I recommend is actually regal assets. And there should be a link below in the description somewhere of how you can sign up for the regal assets affiliate program which pays out 3% Commission for every sale you get. And the average Commission is $2,000, okay? That's what you receive. So, it's a great affiliate program. I got started with this. This is how I quit my job. To start making 25 to 50 thousand dollars per month with the regal assets affiliate program. So, I suggest you sign up. And I'll put a link to the website to sign up. So, here's the dashboard where you sign up for regal assets. Affiliate program and you would just sign up right here. Join as an affiliate. The last example that I'm going to give you is this one. And as you can see, this is... You know, they get their traffic from Google as well. Let's go to Google. Best online financial advisors. Basically, if you search for anything related to kind of wealth management, you will get this company showing up in the top of the search results called nerd wallet. How many here have seen an ad on TV for nerd wallet or anywhere on the Internet? Let me know. This is one of the most common companies. This this is one of the biggest Internet companies that I've seen. And it's one of the biggest affiliate marketing companies I've seen. They make over 100 million dollars a year. And I want to make clear. The reason they do so is because they focus on where the money is and that's in wealth. That's in investment accounts. Now, you'll see they do the same thing. They blog anonymously, okay? Well, I guess there's a writer here. But the writer is not the owner. She's just a random girl who wrote this article. And you'll see right here they... They have you know, different investment programs that they are affiliates of. These are all affiliate links right here. Betterment, they have an affiliate link right here. You can see they have their affiliate link. Ella vest. They have an affiliate link there. Wealth front, once again, an affiliate link. Any person you choose. Any one of these companies you choose will be an affiliate link associated with it and nerd wallet will make money. Now, just to show you the scale of this, here's a recent article on the founder. Founder Tim Chen is an absolute dynamo. And he got laid off and he founded... He got laid off he was working for a investment company. And he started nerd wallet with only $800. And you don't even need that much now. This is years ago. You know, all you need is $3 to start a website now. But he started with $800. And his company is now worth 500 million. Now, if that blows your mind, if you had no idea that there was this much potential in affiliate marketing to start an affiliate blog anonymously and have it be worth half of dollars, just go in the comments and type in "mind blown" because some of these companies are getting so big. And he doesn't have to do anything. But let's go back to the article and finish up this video. Now, what I found really interesting about this article was that he was working 16 to 20 hour days. He had a girlfriend. He ate subway every day from the five-dollar menu. And the first year in business, he made $75. You see that? $75 working 16 to 20 hour days. Now, first off, that is a true entrepreneur. And second off, if you aren't willing to deal with that level of a failure of hustle, you're not going to make it. If you're not willing to deal with... You know, it's going to take time. No matter what business you start, it's very rare that you will see immediate success in any business. Some people do. But it's very rare. But you can ensure your success by putting in the hours and by just working through it. Because Tim never gave up. Even after having a year in business making $75. He just kept going. Now, the second year in business, he made $60,000. But that was still less than he would make from a job as an investment banker. Now obviously, the rest is history. He went from $75 in his first year to making well over $100,000,000 a year. Where we are today. But that was because of focus. Now, if you are interested, if you're in, if you're going to start a website and if you're excited about this affiliate marketing journey, I invite you to subscribe to my channel. Bang that subscribe button. And hit those notification bells so you can get some live streams when I do my next live stream. I give this video a like and I'm excited to see you in some of my other videos. You can check out my channel home page. And see some free mini courses where I explain to you the ins and outs of affiliate marketing how to get started. And how to start making some money. So, if looking forward to seeing you as a regular subscriber on my channel. And remember, anything is possible, you've just got to work for it. Talk to you soon.

source https://www.norjoe.com/2020/06/earn-more-than-1000-per-month-by-google.html

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